1.   But when economic growth slowed and fiscal crisis hit, the equation changed.

2.   The crisis is hitting so hard that most of the people are unemployed, and you see children begging in the streets or forced to go out to work.

3.   And a leader of the disabled community in Gloucestershire warned today that the crisis will hit handicapped motorists across the country.

4.   Already, the crisis has hit the export markets.

5.   Although that remains a healthy rate, they are more worried than when the economic crisis first hit Asia last year.

6.   Asia accounts for about one-quarter of all personal computer sales, so the economic crisis there has hit technology companies particularly hard.

7.   Bilgin was struggling to hold onto his company when the economic crisis hit.

8.   A full-blown affordability crisis has already hit several areas of the state, including the San Francisco Bay Area.

9.   After the crisis hit, he bought Chase and Citicorp.

10.   But within months, the Asia financial crisis hit.

n. + hit >>共 961
shell 3.44%
ball 2.69%
plane 2.64%
missile 2.43%
bullet 2.21%
bomb 1.78%
car 1.78%
rocket 1.78%
storm 1.44%
shot 1.38%
crisis 1.01%
crisis + v. >>共 514
be 18.74%
begin 5.46%
have 2.52%
erupt 2.44%
hit 2.34%
end 2.30%
come 2.20%
force 2.09%
lead 1.99%
affect 1.58%
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